March 04, 2019
What Not To Do With Your Katana
3 minute read
We’ve already covered basic care for your Katana, but what about special situations? You’ve invested your money and time into researching which type of Katana meets your needs, so we assume the last thing you want to do is ruin the sword by doing something you shouldn't. We constantly hear about people doing things to their swords which are obviously bad ideas, but just in case you’re tempted to do something similar, here is our short list of things which you should NOT do with your Katana.
- Cut Wood. Katana are excellent cutting tools, but please don’t think one can go up against the oak tree in your garden and win. If you need to chop down a tree, I strongly suggest you invest in an axe: it’s far cheaper and is much better at chopping things down. Your Katana might do some impressive damage to the tree, but in the end, you’re going to regret your actions and the tree will win. If you really want to get into cutting with your Katana, do your research, and learn how to do it properly and safely.
Wear it as a concealed weapon. Connor MacLeod may have gotten away with wearing his Katana under his trench coat, but in reality, carrying a hidden sword is only going to lead to bad things happening. No matter how tempting it may be, don’t conceal-carry your sword to shops, on buses, or in any other public place. It might seem like a good idea as you’re leaving your house, but rest assured you've opened the door to future anguish. Best case, the police might take your sword away. Worst case, you might lose more than your sword.
Use it as a crowbar. We get it, a Katana is the perfect length and shape to pry things open. The problem is, it’s not designed to withstand that sort of force, and you will end up with a broken or bent sword. So no matter how tempting it is to leverage your window open or pry open a shipping crate, use a crowbar, not your sword.
- Never use it as a weapon. Unless you’re an experienced martial arts practitioner with no alternative in a self-defence situation, then just don’t do it. You could end up causing serious injury to yourself, or even worse, an innocent bystander.
- Play Games with it. Fruit ninja is a somewhat addictive mobile game played on your mobile phone, which is the best place for it. If you really must chop up fruit with your sword, do it safely, and be very mindful of your surroundings. Remember, the Katana we sell are not toys. If you’ve succumbed to the fruit-chopping urge, then remember to thoroughly clean and oil your Katana afterwards. Fruit juice can be highly acidic, and you might be surprised at how quickly your sword can change from flawless to pitted and rusted. This goes for hand prints as well - your fingers are acidic and, over time, you can permanently mark your blade.
Leave your sword outside. Don’t leave your sword exposed to the elements - it WILL rust. A stainless steel sword might survive a while outside, but anything made out of high carbon steel will rust quickly if not cared for properly. You’ll also risk the sword being stolen, which is never good. The best place for the sword is in its sheath, indoors, covered with a light coating of oil.
- Set your Sword on Fire. Flaming swords look cool in films, but, in practice, you’ll probably ruin your sword and possibly set yourself, or something else, on fire. So don’t do that.
- Attempt Dangerous Acrobatics like throwing, juggling, or swallowing your sword. Unless you are a trained professional, no matter how tempting it is, just say no. You might just end up becoming a statistic, or even worse, ruining swords for everyone else.